Tag: tooth removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Many of us have had our wisdom teeth removed simply because our dentist advised us to do so. However, wisdom tooth removal can have huge benefits to our oral health. It helps prevent overcrowding of teeth, as wisdom teeth push off other teeth resulting in alignment issues. Dental caries and many forms of gum diseases are less likely to occur when you remove your wisdom teeth, thus preventing expensive dental procedures. You don’t need to wait for your wisdom teeth to bring up many oral problems before you take action. Dental clinics in Houston, TX offer residents with low-cost wisdom teeth extractions. They accept a wide range of payment methods for their very affordable treatment options. Dental clinic teams work with third-party finance companies that open credit and installment payment options to you. Visit the site to find out more information about wisdom teeth removal near me. Why is wisdom tooth removal expensive? Wisdom tooth extraction is a particularly expensive oral procedure. Many dental clinics offer discounts on the procedure, but costs still average higher than what most Houston residents, especially the ones in need of the procedure can afford to pay. Currently, the price of having all four of your wisdom teeth removed is $3,500, though the best dental clinic has managed to lower this to $1,400 without compromising on the quality of service. To understand why this procedure is so expensive we need to go over the equipment and skill set needed. Supply materials and equipment costs. The combined cost of equipment and supplies needed for the procedure significantly adds to the price of the procedure. This includes X-ray and CT scan equipment, sedation, and anesthesia used among others. The condition of the tooth tilt. Great skill is required in the removal of wisdom teeth. The levels of risk are higher when the tooth is impacted. The significant difficulty and risk involved make the procedure significantly expensive. Does insurance cover tooth extraction? Many dental insurance plans cover from 50 to even 80 % of the costs associated with wisdom teeth removal. Some do not include wisdom teeth removal in the insurance package since plans can vary widely among insurance carriers. It is wise to check with your insurance company and confirm the facts. What financing options do I have for wisdom teeth removal near me? The best dental clinics provide flexible payment plans, thus allowing you to go through oral surgery. This means you can make the repayments when and however you can afford. Health and Dental insurance Many insurance platforms do offer partial financing for wisdom teeth removal. Depending on the type of insurance cover you have, wisdom teeth removal might be covered extensively or not at all. Insurance helps control out-of-the-pocket expenses significantly. Contact your dentist to discuss possible insurance options and how to make the most out of your benefits. Third-party financing Third party-finance companies working with dental clinics allow patients to pay small monthly installments at low interest for up to one year. For candidates who qualify, payments may be as low as $59 a month. Dental savings plan Many clinics in the Houston area also offer clinic dental savings plans. For $200 per year, a patient can get offers such as free dental exams and regular dental cleaning. A dental savings plan also reduces wisdom tooth extraction costs by 10%. Cash payments This is by far the most preferred payment method. Patients are given large discounts on wisdom teeth removal when they pay in cash, and such offers are meant to encourage upfront payment. Conclusion Wisdom teeth removal, a basic oral health procedure should not be inaccessible to the many patients that need it. That is why many dental clinics are committed to assisting patients to afford the best dental care they can have, by offering diverse payment plans that distribute the cost of the procedure over a longer duration. Read Also: 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening Understanding Dentures And How To Take Care Of Them How To Eliminate The Smell Of Garlic And Onion From Your Breath